Winter reflections: Gearing up for safety

As we watch the sun set earlier and earlier each day, it’s difficult for many of us to find the motivation to keep to our early morning or evening running plans. However, as we face several months of cold and early darkness in the northeast, it’s mentally and physically beneficial to get outside for your running or walking – whatever your winter sport of choice is. 

For those taking to the streets, it’s so very important to remember to add a final layer of reflective gear. If, like many of us, you have a furry friend who joins you for your daily run or to walk, don’t forget to outfit them as well. For those who don’t know where to start, we’ve put together a list of suggestions to get you started.

Reflective gear
The staple of every winter outdoor enthusiast, running vests are the most common and easiest form of reflective gear. You can get a standard vest, or try an attention grabbing flashing option for the full effect. For an extra layer of safety, add reflective leg and wrist bands for maximum visibility.

Another winter running must, especially if you’re running through any rural areas where there aren’t street lights to provide extra visibility. Headlamps can definitely provide extra protection from cars and bikers, as well as assist you in navigating the terrain. 

Other safety accessories
During the winter months, you might see many winter runners and walkers with clip-on lights. These are also a great addition to your reflective safety arsenal. Here is an option from Nathan. For those who want an extra level of security, consider a light and alarm hybrid. For basic safety, we suggest carrying your phone with you for emergencies, but carrying an alarm for added safety precautions is also a good idea for night runners/walkers.

For the pups
If your pup joins you on your daily run, we strongly suggest investing in some reflective gear for your four-legged running partner. You can start with a reflective harness, but an LED neck collar or flashing light will work as well. Additionally, this blaze orange vest will  provide extra safety during hunting season, when  you’re out on the trails. Your pups will be as visible and safe as possible when outfitted properly! 

Yes, the days are shorter, colder and it’s becoming more and more difficult to find the motivation to get outside for that daily walk or run. However, with the right winter gear and safety equipment, exploring in the early morning or late evening hours can be so rewarding.