NeRA Blog

Plogging – A little thing that adds up

Earth Day, which occurs every year on April 22nd, originated in 1970 amidst an emerging public consciousness around environmental health. On the heels of the student anti-war movement, and following the publication of Rachel Carson’s revolutionary Silent Spring, the first Earth Day inspired demonstrations of approximately 20 million Americans across…
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Stick Your Landing: Gearing up for winter’s running challenges

If you’ve ever wanted to run outside year-round, now’s your chance to experience all of the fresh powder, bluebird days, and crisp air that New England has to offer. But with that crunch of fresh snow comes an onslaught of ice, wet chills, and cold feet! Let’s discuss layering, traction,…
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Winter reflections: Gearing up for safety

As we watch the sun set earlier and earlier each day, it’s difficult for many of us to find the motivation to keep to our early morning or evening running plans. However, as we face several months of cold and early darkness in the northeast, it’s mentally and physically beneficial…
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